Estes Drive Extension Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements

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The design phase for the Estes Drive Extension Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements is underway!

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Add bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure to Estes Drive Extension between MLK Jr. Blvd and the Carrboro border at the railroad tracks (see map below).

  • These improvements will connect to the recently finished bike lanes and path along Estes Drive, the future Bolin Creek Greenway Extension, and eventually into Carrboro.
  • The project is part of the Town’s Everywhere-to-Everywhere Greenways network. It aims to make a useful, accessible, safe, and connected transportation greenway system for all ages and abilities.


  • The Town has hired the same consultant, NV5, to design this project and Bolin Creek Greenway Extension at the same time.
  • Construction for both projects is a couple of years away.

HOW TO GET INVOLVED: Opportunities to participate will be shared on this page and through other Town channels. You can sign up to receive project update emails by clicking the blue “SUBSCRIBE” button on the right-hand side of the page.

Map showing a red dashed line on Estes, from the intersection of Estes and MLK to the railroad tracks on the border with Carrboro.

The design phase for the Estes Drive Extension Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements is underway!

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Add bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure to Estes Drive Extension between MLK Jr. Blvd and the Carrboro border at the railroad tracks (see map below).

  • These improvements will connect to the recently finished bike lanes and path along Estes Drive, the future Bolin Creek Greenway Extension, and eventually into Carrboro.
  • The project is part of the Town’s Everywhere-to-Everywhere Greenways network. It aims to make a useful, accessible, safe, and connected transportation greenway system for all ages and abilities.


  • The Town has hired the same consultant, NV5, to design this project and Bolin Creek Greenway Extension at the same time.
  • Construction for both projects is a couple of years away.

HOW TO GET INVOLVED: Opportunities to participate will be shared on this page and through other Town channels. You can sign up to receive project update emails by clicking the blue “SUBSCRIBE” button on the right-hand side of the page.

Map showing a red dashed line on Estes, from the intersection of Estes and MLK to the railroad tracks on the border with Carrboro.

  • Thanks for Participating!

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    Thanks to all who joined us at our Open House or found us at our Pop Up in Umstead Park. We had a great turnout, lots of conversations, and captured many great ideas.

    For folks who couldn’t make it, you can find all of the same information on this project webpage and we encourage you to fill out the project survey that is open through February 11th!

    People discussing options for Estes Drive Extension Improvements at the Open HouseMany people reviewing options for Bolin Creek Greenway Extension at the Open HousePeople discussing options for Estes Drive Extension Improvements at the Open House

  • Project Information and Survey Now Available!

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    Ahead of Thursday's Open House (January 23, 2025, 6-8pm, Chapel Hill Public Library, Room B), a project factsheet and maps have been published in the "Documents" section.

    The community input survey is live too and can be found on the top right tab of this section!

  • Open House on the Bolin Creek Greenway Extension/Estes Drive Extension Bike-Ped Improvements

    Share Open House on the Bolin Creek Greenway Extension/Estes Drive Extension Bike-Ped Improvements on Facebook Share Open House on the Bolin Creek Greenway Extension/Estes Drive Extension Bike-Ped Improvements on Twitter Share Open House on the Bolin Creek Greenway Extension/Estes Drive Extension Bike-Ped Improvements on Linkedin Email Open House on the Bolin Creek Greenway Extension/Estes Drive Extension Bike-Ped Improvements link
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    On January 23, 2025 from 6pm-8pm in Chapel Hill Public Library Room B, Town staff and the project consultant will hold a public open house for residents to learn about both projects, ask questions, and share their opinions on the different designs. Staff and consultant will share maps, renderings, and technical details about the different options for each project.

Page last updated: 21 Feb 2025, 03:26 PM